When I was feeling the insert, I was like...hmmm, I know this fabric and sure enough it was bamboo!!! I am a bamboo freak! I LOVE LOVE LOVE bamboo inserts. They are like the best inserts there are!! Well, at least for me. But then I realized I would have to wait longer to try the diaper :-(
When I was done prepping it, I realized just how much I LOVE the color. I really love the contrast of colors between the inside and outside of the diaper. Even though no one will be seeing them both together, I still love the two colors together!!
Also, the diaper is SO soft! The inside is a fleece and the outside, even though it is PUL is amazingly soft!!! I looked it up on their website and it is made of a cotton, bamboo blend with PUL! Amazingly soft!!
Anyways, the other thing that I love about this diaper is that it is SUPER trim!!! I love trim diapers, that means that my son's clothes can fit good...you know, for the three months that he wears clothes in a year because the rest of the time it is warm enough to show off diapers hehe. But, he will be in pants again sometime during diaper use!!! Also, it seems like trim diapers always get more talks when we are out and about because other mom's just don't understand on why it is so trim..they expect the bulky pins and plastic pants I guess :-)
As for absorbancy, it is great! During the day time I use as it comes (one bamboo insert) and same with nap times. At night time, I use the insert it comes with doubled with a microfiber insert. Works perfectly!
Want to know the BEST part about this diaper??? IT IS SOOOO AFFORDABLE!!!!! Here are their prices (not including shipping):
Microfiber insert: $9
Minky diapers: $10
Heavy Wetters: $10
Bamboo diapers: $12
Tiny Tushies (newborn diaper): $10
They also have many more products for you to look at!!! Now, here is a chance for you to win a bamboo diaper!
This review was written by Nicki