
Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday: The first day of the RDW!

Yay!  It is now the Real Diaper Week (RDW)!!!  I am sure many of you have heard about this amazing week that cloth diaper users all around America love when we try to spread advocacy as far as possible!

Monday is "Real Simple Real Diaper Outreach" day.  If you would like to know more about the day, here is the information.  This is just simply copied and pasted from The Great Cloth Diaper webpage.

Monday: Real Simple Real Diaper Outreach

Advocacy Recommendations
●     Wear one of the following advocacy pins:  “Real Simple.  Real Diapers.” or “Ask me about Cloth Diapers!” or
●     Host a Cloth Diaper 101 class with a local mom’s group, at a hospital, or birth center.
●     Write to a local TV station or newspaper asking them to feature cloth diapers and/or the Great Cloth Diaper Change.
●     Invite a friend to the Great Cloth Diaper Change, and let them borrow a cloth diaper (or three!) to use.
Education Focus
●     Cloth Diaper Types
●     [1] Basic Diaper Care 

 I already currently have a wonderful post about Cloth Diaper Types.  This includes videos explaining the diapers (I have to admit, they are not the best but they will definitely give you an idea of each type of cloth diaper available) and also a few brand names that carry each type of cloth diaper.

As for basic diaper care...that is pretty darn easy!  The first step is to find a cloth diaper friendly detergent that works for you.  I have a post about that also here.  Then, when you wash your diapers, this is the routine I like to follow:

  1. Cold pre-rinse
  2. Hot wash with detergent (just follow the detergent's directions for cloth diaper use)
  3. Cold rinse
  4. Hang dry
Pretty easy!  I mean, it is not as easy as putting them in the trash...but who would really want to do that all the time??  Hehe.

As for storing the dirty diapers until wash day, personally, I prefer the dry pail method of throwing the diaper in a diaper pail with a liner (unless it's got yuckies on it...then it get's sprayed first).  The wet pail method just is not for me and from what I heard can cause extra wear and tear on your diapers...especially the elastic.

Also, remember to cycle your diapers!!  Put the new fresh clean ones in the back and the other diapers in the front.  I know, easier said than done because everyone has a few favorites...however, this gives each diaper it's normal wear and tear instead of a certain diaper getting overused.

Other than that, I am happy to answer any questions on today's topics, just let me know any questions you may have!!!

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